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Hello peeps, you can call me Miera or Hayatz . I'm a twenty-one years old naughty girl and studying a major in accounting . Here where I express everything that comes to my head and bittersweet experiences of my life . Feel free to leave your comments and sharing anything with me. Thankyou Thankyou for visiting loves (:


Saturday, September 4, 2010

SHOPPING TIME ( 040910 )

mood : RAYA RAYA 'N' RAYA !!!! sume ase camtu skng .but bg ak x ad beza pown.raya or not is da same things.ak x pkir sgt sal rya juz pkir tringin blk uma jea sgt2.sies x sbar na blk coz mmg da x sggp duk kl uat mse skng.asl ntah ttbe ak ase cmnie.idup ak pn x tntu arah slagi ak duk cnie.stdy mmg x yah ckp laa sgt huru hara.hahhaha ..ap laa na jd nga ak nie.mmg x dpt byang laa result ak cne t nga keadaan ak skng.but i think ad mse ag tok ubah sume tu.dats why laa ak na blk tganu dlu na cr ktenangan dgn hrapan ak blk kl t ak dpt focus on stdy n uat tbek pny !! hhuuuhhh ..esk ak na tman kwn2 ak shppng raya kt jln TAR .myb ak juz follow them coz ak da bli sume tok rya.x tao laa ad yg na bli ag esk .urm as usual .pantang kua..mhabiskn duit jelaa keje ak..kalah org da kje .hahahaha .In planning ,yg follow myb ak mimie kamil yana zatty iffa deen fikri n imran .urm x tao laa cne esk .hope evrthing will be ok n no prob ..after dat,ktorg buka puasa sme2 n myb 4 da last we hang out together b4 back to home..huhhh ..sure sgt indu kt korg bler blk raya t .so jgn lupe contact tao !! n 4 all frens dont forget to see mEgArAyA at astro pd mlm raya kul11 yeah !! hahhah ..tgk laa gelagat2 gler kte t .. waiting 4 tomorrow guys !!!!

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.

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Copyright by Miera Hayatz