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Hello peeps, you can call me Miera or Hayatz . I'm a twenty-one years old naughty girl and studying a major in accounting . Here where I express everything that comes to my head and bittersweet experiences of my life . Feel free to leave your comments and sharing anything with me. Thankyou Thankyou for visiting loves (:


Sunday, September 5, 2010

hayatz said :

when i first meet you
i never would have imagined
that i would have
such strong feeling for you ....
i never would have thought
that i would have dreams
about you
or miss being by your side ....
or get butterflies in my
stomach when someone
mentions your names ....
when i first meet you
i never would have thought
that ....
       i would LOVE you ....!

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.

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Copyright by Miera Hayatz