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Hello peeps, you can call me Miera or Hayatz . I'm a twenty-one years old naughty girl and studying a major in accounting . Here where I express everything that comes to my head and bittersweet experiences of my life . Feel free to leave your comments and sharing anything with me. Thankyou Thankyou for visiting loves (:


Friday, January 21, 2011

MR.GAGAA sweet boy (!)

Love you bestie :))

OMG , I cant believe that !
you're 20 years old ?
For me , you still ' kanak-kanak ribena ' oke (!)

A cheerful friend is like a sunny day 
spreading brightness all around :D

On your birthday , I wish for you .
May Allah bless you dear .
All the best luck for anything in the world and may all your wishes comes true .
Be a good boy oke (!)

You're such a great bestfriend !
Thanks babe .

Deen ,
I've something to you .
Sorry I can't afford to buy something valuable and special .
Just it !
Hope you like it .

Sorry peeps . Just tuan dye yang tahu
apa kat dalam ini :]

p/s : Hope our friendship endured to the end of life .

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.

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Copyright by Miera Hayatz