My photo
Hello peeps, you can call me Miera or Hayatz . I'm a twenty-one years old naughty girl and studying a major in accounting . Here where I express everything that comes to my head and bittersweet experiences of my life . Feel free to leave your comments and sharing anything with me. Thankyou Thankyou for visiting loves (:


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just A Note .

Hey you . 
Why I'm really thinking about you ?
Am I crazy or just my feeling totally bad ?
Huh .
I'm trying to ignore it but I cant lol :(
Aiiyaaa .
Last night , I wrote something at our blog .
I swear . I though of you . Thinking of what will be happen next .
Hoping that everything will be oke and give happiness to us .

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.


Hye guys :)
That's my lovely girls .
My supporters . My inspiration .
My havoc friends .
We do everything together without thinking of what other people say .
Just people who really know me will know who we are .
Thanks for those who always being beside us .
Love ! 

Sygs ! Thanks for spending your time last weekend .
Macam - macam yang jadi kan . 
Kerja jalan . jalan n jalan .

Bak kata ak : Kalau orang tengok kita sah kata gilo ! :]

Its oke laa . Asal happy sudah ! HOHOO

First Step : TS & PAVILION

Ape kitorang buat kat sana yup ? Huhuu
Shopping sikit2 n movie aje . 
Pikir punya pikir , kitorang decided nak tgk movie nie ! 

Scary ke movie nie ? Ade sampai jerit-jerit x ? 
Seriously , for me . Movie nie x best sangat . Sampai nak tertido pun ada . 
Jalan ceritanya a little bored . Last - last baru ada macam lawak sikit .
Apa pun enjoy jelaa . huhu

Before that . We've take some pictures .
Giler kamera sungguh ! 
HEHEE . Jangan marah yup ! :)

Oke . Korang memang sweet ! :P

Last Step : A&W and BB

Next Day : Wong Solo time !
Thanks to Eqaqa Rohimi because bawak kitorang pergi sana :)

You All The Best ! 

Created by ,

~ M.I.E.R.A  H.A.Y.A.T.Z ~

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Speechless (-_-') ~

Salam peeps :)
Actually , Iera pun tak tahu nak tulis ape ~ aiiishhhh .
Maybe just nak kongsi rasa hati .
Hurm .
Semalam tetiba mama dapat call n dapat tahu nenek ( moyang ) meninggal .
Time mama bagitahu tu terasa terkilan jugak laa sebab balik cuti nie tak sempat nak melawat nenek .
Plan nak pergi  hari nie tapi dah takdir nenek pergi dulu .
So kitorang terus pergi rumah nenek malam tu jugak n kat sana sangat ramai orang .
Maklumlah . I've a big family maybe .
Time tu laa dapat kenal sedara mara yang belum kenal .
Memang jejak kasih laa .
Walaupun tak dapat jumpa or cakap dengan nenek sebelum beliau pergi ,
Iera tetap bersyukur sebab still dapat lihat n cium nenek buat kali terakhir .
Iera doakan roh nenek dicucuri rahmat n ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman . Amin .

Selepas selesai semua ktorang 1 family n ateh ( mak sedara mama ) balik rumah dalam pukul 12 lebih camtu but time on the way tetiba sumua kelaparan
(-_-') aiiyaaa .
So kitorang singgah makan kat food court n sis an ( ateh's daughter ) pun datang join sekali .
Food court ramai orang lagi time tu n sampai tak tahu nak makan apa .
Selepas dah beli air n order makanan tetiba satu kejadian berlaku ~
Jeng .. Jeng .. Jeng ..
Pang ! Aiyaaa . Kte dah jatuhkan talam letak air tu lol . HAHAHAA !
oppsss . tak sengaja ! serious tak perasan . bajet cam dah letak betul-betul kat meja tu then terus paling kat lain but padahal tak kena meja tu laa plak .. boley bayang tak ? hukhukhuk . lao tak boley takpe lol .
Tapi nak cerita . Serious malu gila ! But buat muka slumber jea . ahaks !
Semua orang pandang . Pastu siap boleh gelak kuat-kuat !
Jahat laa mamat-mamat tu ! :P
It's oke . Tak kenal korang pown . So tak kisah sangat laa . 
Sembang punya sembang sampai tak sedar jam dah kul 1.30 pagi . Then balik laa kitorang . 
Anyway . Setiap kali dapat lepak sama-sama dengan family .
I feel really ' HAPPY ' :)
Sebab bukan senang kitorang nak dapat time camtu . Parents sangat busy .
Love all my family's members ! Sayang korang ketat -ketat ! 

04 Februari 2010

Special for My Dearest :

May Allah bless you 
All your wishes comes true .
Enjoy your day . Enjoy your life . Enjoy your world :)
Good luck for everything in your life . I always support you .
You're such a good friend n listener for me . I'm really happy to friend with you !
A million thanks for everything sygs !
Love you ! 

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.

Copyright by Miera Hayatz