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Hello peeps, you can call me Miera or Hayatz . I'm a twenty-one years old naughty girl and studying a major in accounting . Here where I express everything that comes to my head and bittersweet experiences of my life . Feel free to leave your comments and sharing anything with me. Thankyou Thankyou for visiting loves (:


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jerrypah By Aizat Amdan

Assalamualaikum .

Hello hello peeps! Here I show you a new song by Aizat Amdan. Jerrypah !!
Why Jerrypah huhh? Oke nama yang sangat pelik kan but its unique for me . This song very interesting and its present with different way campared to others . The lyric combines two languages , Malay anda English . The song is very cheerful and tells the story of love. 
So guys , you should see this video . Enjoyy !!

Sayangku , aku pasti
Kau sebahagianku
Sayangku , aku yakin
Takdir kita bertemu

Biarkan semua berlalu
All i know i’ll always have you
Pengganti tempat mengadu
Selamanya , engkaulah .. hanya

Sayangku , aku pasti
Takdir kita bertemu
Biarkan semua berlalu
All i know i’ll always have you
Pengganti tempat mengadu
Selamanya , engkaulah

Biarkan semua berlalu
All i know i always have you
Pengganti tempat mengadu
Selamanya , engkaulah .. hanya

Selamanya ..

P/s : Mr.S! Its for you :P

Learn from yesterday, Life for today and Hope for tomorrow.


Zatyy Izzaty said...

Nice.. :) lagu baru aizat ke nih?

Miera | Hayatz said...

Yes. Lagu baru Aizat ;)

acan ketot said...

lirik dye cute..

acan ketot said...

lirik dye cute..

Miera | Hayatz said...

Sangat cute kan ! HEE

Copyright by Miera Hayatz